

Part are expensive. consider donating!

How Can You Help?

As a robotics team, we are consistently improving our robot for the best result in competitive matches and looking for new ways to spread STEM in our community. Broken parts, registration fees, and transportation fees all take bites out of the team coffers, and we need your support to continue to improve as a FIRST robotics team.

Having a larger pool of funds will help our team in lots of ways. We will put your donations towards:

  • Getting better equipment and parts for the team so that we can build better robots and perform better in competitions.
  • Paying for transportation, registration, and other fees needed for the team to compete.
  • Organizing STEM activities for community outreach

If you are interested in helping us do the best we can as both a robotics team and as a part of our community, please consider donating to the Jaybots!

Corporations should check out our Corporate Sponsorship Plans ranging from $100 to $5000.

Benefits Include: Your logo on our shirts, robot, banner, & website, as well as sponsored social media posts & much more!

Learn more at JaybotsBoosters.org

Donations accepted via PayPal. (Account not required!)


Your donation will be sent to the Jaybots Booster Club, which is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax deducatble.